Tools in Agile

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Easy Agile Logo
Easy Agile
Easy-to-use, native Jira apps for sprint planning, PI planning and product roadmaps. Trusted by leading companies worldwide and over 120,000 users.
EasyRetro Logo
Collaborate with your remote team and get better at what you do with a simple, intuitive and beautiful tool.
Geekbot Logo
Join thousands of teams that use Geekbot to automate standups, surveys, and daily reports.
GoRetro Logo
A user friendly, fun and customizable agile retrospective tool that leverages sprint data and team sentiment to drive continuous improvement.
Kaapi Logo
Build happy, high-performing remote teams.
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Parabol Logo
Better Meetings, Less Effort. All your agile meetings in one place
ScatterSpoke Logo
ScatterSpoke allows you to understand Team Health at a much deeper level.
Standuply Logo
Connect your team with company Q&A and experts providing knowledge insights and saves time by automating processes and answering recurrent questions.
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