Mailchimp vs. Mailtrack

Email marketing, ads, landing pages, and automation tools to grow your business.
Free; paid from $10/mo visit website
More comparisons for Mailchimp
Know when your emails are opened.
Free; paid from $10/mo visit website
More comparisons for Mailtrack

Similar tools on the Postmake directory:

Anymail Finder
Find and verify the real emails of employees at any company.
Free; paid from $49/mo visit website
See what happens to your emails after you press send.
Free; paid $12.50/mo visit website
Email marketing for less, via Amazon SES.
Free; paid from $19/mo visit website
If No Reply
Ridiculously simple email automation that works from your Gmail.
Free; paid from $13/mo visit website
Mad Mimi
Create, send, and track HTML email newsletters
Paid from $10/mo visit website
Capture leads from your website and convert them into life-long readers, email subscribers and customers.
Free; paid from $15/mo visit website
See all tools in #email