Revenue Calculator

Often when we're building a new product or service, we spend a lot of time thinking about our plans and pricing options. To help with this, here's a simple calculator to help you visualize your potential revenue.
Add up to three pricing plans and explore key milestones. Model different scenarios and understand what it takes to reach your revenue goals.

Plan 1


Plan 2

Add Plan

Current Revenue

Plan 1

Monthly recurring revenue
0 active customers
Annual recurring revenue
Projected yearly income

Plan 2

Monthly recurring revenue
0 active customers
Annual recurring revenue
Projected yearly income

Total Revenue

Total monthly revenue
Combined MRR across all plans
Total annual revenue
Combined ARR across all plans

Revenue Milestones

Monthly Revenue Goals

Monthly Revenue Target
Plan 1100 subscribers
Plan 2no price set
Monthly Revenue Target
Plan 11000 subscribers
Plan 2no price set
Monthly Revenue Target
Plan 15000 subscribers
Plan 2no price set

Annual Revenue Goals

Annual Revenue Target
Plan 1834 subscribers
Plan 2no price set
Annual Revenue Target
Plan 18334 subscribers
Plan 2no price set

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